CRM Tips

How can developers improve lead generation?

How Can developers improve lead generation? Nearly 80% of home buyers search on the internet for their homes. Lead generation is a very complex and the initial stage of any business process. Lead generation is not the only task in hand for any business. CRM is a must, because most importantly for developers lead generation is a complicated process. CRM is…

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CRM Tips, Sales CRM

Sales Management and Bhagwat Gita

Most of the Sales Managers try to manage their Sales team in a very strange way. Hire them, give them targets and follow up with them for reaching goals. I think we need to revisit this notion of Sales Managment. Let’s first analyse what does Sales Management mean. Everyone is clear about Sales.What does Management mean? Management means something that…

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CRM Tips

Tips for buying CRM for System Integrators

IT System Integrators sell IT Solutions to the whole world, but when it comes to automating their businesses, they are always reluctant, even the basic tools like CRM for System Integrators. So here are few tips for buying CRM for System Integrators. But before discussing CRM, let’s address the pain areas of System Integration Business. In service Industry, biggest problem…

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CRM Tips, Marketing CRM

Why CRM Implementations Fail

A study suggests that only 69% of all CRM implementations succeed. Why do CRM implementations fail in such massive proportion? Most obvious and easiest culprit seems to be Technology, But surprising it’s not the technology. 85% of CRM fail due to other reasons. Companies everywhere spend an enormous amount of money on Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems. Have you ever thought why…

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Indian CRM
CRM Tips

Why India needs Indian CRM

Indian CRM? Whether we agree or not India is a very different country, and Indians are very different people. Yes, we are. No, I am not talking whether we are superior or inferior people. We are just different. Our Bosses, Employees, companies, Management style is different. We believe in making a (remarkably) minimum effort and achieving maximum results. In fact,…

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CRM Buying Tips, CRM Tips

Hosted CRM v/s Self Hosted CRM

Hosted CRM v/s Self Hosted CRM is always a hot debate. Instead of listing differences between these two, This article lists out points for selecting between hosted CRM and Self Hosted CRM. Most of the SMEs, think of having a Self Hosted CRM. They are not in favour of Cloud or Online CRM. Two main reasons for that decision is…

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