shimona roy

Why CRM Auto Notifications Do Not Guarantee Successful CRM Implementation

Recently, we were pitching a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool to a firm. The Vice President of Sales informed us…

5 years ago

Benefits of CRM Training

CRM Training can make or break any CRM implementation. Especially in SME the biggest reason for CRM failure is lack…

6 years ago

Qualifications, Roles and responsibilities of CRM Admin

The success of any CRM implementation largely depends on the CRM Admin. CRM admin is the person who drives the…

6 years ago

Five things boss should do for Successful CRM implementation

The success of your CRM Implementation depends on many factors. But, as a Boss, what should you do to make…

6 years ago

CRM as a Sales Follow up Software [with Video]

Fortune is in Followup. You need a great sales follow up software to handles this very efficiently.  One of most…

6 years ago

The future of CRM in India

CRM or Customer Relationship Management has become an integral part of any successful business, significant as much as marketing and…

7 years ago

Android CRM is always better for Mobile CRM than iOS

Android CRM is always better for Mobile CRM than iOS, I believe this even though, I am a huge fan…

7 years ago

How CRM can help HR to improve Employee Experience

HR team looks for HR tool to increase Employee satisfaction, motivation, and overall productivity. But, can CRM help HR to…

7 years ago

Ten benefits of Mobile CRM

There are more Mobile users than PC. Mobile penetration is far more than the PCs. So obviously benefits of Mobile…

7 years ago

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